Brand History

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  • 2019-Keep up the good work. Awarded AAA level Enterprise Integrity Certificate, Guangdong Excellent Brand Demonstration Enterprise. Board of Director of Second Council of Guangdong Manufacturing Association...

  • 2018-Certificates record the effort. National patents reach 100+. Authorized as the National High-tech Enterprises, Guangdong Double Increasing Enterprise

  • 2017-Management improvement. New and professional general manager lead FSTpipe opening the wider and further market on compressed air pipe systems. FSTpipe becomes a well-known brand and famous brand in the domestic market. More exhibition showing makes FSTpipe brand acknowledged abroad.

  • 2016-Sales net expands. New generation products came out to fit the market demands. Sales and agents are throughout China. Many overseas projects are welcoming FSTpipe system such as Thailand, Vietnam, Myanmar, Malaysia, etc.

  • 2015-Improve on products and company. Company move regards on the market demands. Attending the PTC fair in Shanghai. Set a great first-time impression in the market.

  • 2014-Company established. Built the company in Shenzhen city and start the products study and research.

? Guangdong Foster Fluid Technology Co., LTD. All rights reserved

Guangdong Foster Fluid Technology Co., LTD. Website


  • Time: Monday-Saturday 8:00-18:00
  • Hotline: +86 13421909014
  • Email:
  • Add:NO. 3, Huafu North Road, Chancheng District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province 528000, China.

FSTpipe compressed air pipe

Fast & Pure & Safe & Saving

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